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Faculty Members
Jin-Mei Lai

- B.S., in Medical Technology ,Chang Gung University
- M.S., Department of Microbiology- Division of Virology, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University
- Ph.D., Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University
- Cell Biology
- Molecular Biology
- Biochemistry
- Elucidation the role of TOPK protein kinase and PTPmu phosphatase in lung adenocarcinoma.
- POINT to the Midbody Network by Yeast Two Hybrid Analysis.
- Office:LS303
- Department of Life Science, Cardinal Tien Memorial Building
- TEL:(02)2905-3595
- E-mail:062989@mail.fju.edu.tw
- Laboratory Homepage:http://web.svdcc.fju.edu.tw/~bio/lab/LaiJM/