
澳洲姊妹校昆士蘭科技大學(Queensland University of Technology,簡稱QUT)舉辦免費線上大師課程:
QUT Virtual Masterclass - Biofabrication for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine,

1. 時間:2020年11月11日(三) 17:00-18:00 (UTC+10時區)。
2. 主題:Biofabrication for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine。
3. 主講者:Sabrina Schoenborn。
Sabrina Schoenborn is an international PhD Student at the QUT Biofabrication and Tissue Morphology Group where she researches anastomosis solutions for vascular grafts. Before moving to Australia, she received her Bachelor of Science (Mechanical Engineering) and Master
of Science (Plastics and Textile Technology) from RWTH Aachen University in Aachen, Germany. Sabrina’s passion is creating real-world impact with medical engineering to improve patient outcomes via translational research and science communication.
4. 演講內容:In this masterclass, you and your students will learn about the automated production of tissues and organs to address health challenges in medicine and understand why our future demands STEM.

5. 網頁與報名網址:

6. 有意參加者請注意,系列會議時間為UTC+10時區,可至此網頁轉換時區: